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100% PURE HONEY JAR (2.5oz)

Ingredients: 100% clover honey

Gluten-free / Nut-free / Food color-free

Total Fat: 0g / Sodium: 0g




The properties and benefits of honey have been known and used by different societies over time. Currently this substance is one of the most important primary natural sweeteners, whose benefits range from a pleasant taste to the palate, to the possible prevention and treatment of diseases. Honey has a complex composition rich in nutrients, which have been used for human consumption since the most ancient societies. It also contains enzymes, antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and organic acids, which make honey have many properties. In fact, it has not only been used as food but as an important therapeutic resource. Already from the classic medical texts, honey appears as an important resource for the treatment of wounds, pain and diseases. Due to the inhibins (hydrogen peroxide, flavonoids and phenolic acids) present in honey, this substance has important bactericidal properties. These properties are also attributed to the presence of glucose oxidase. For example, one of the antibacterial potentials in honey may be important in treating acne and exfoliating the skin. Antioxidants are natural substances that prevent the formation of oxides, which in turn slows down cell breakdown. In this sense, the regular consumption of honey can be an important food supplement in the prevention of heart diseases, the immune system and inflammatory processes. Honey contains roughly enzymes and amino acids. The high concentration of moisture in honey not only influences its viscosity, weight, flavor and color, but it can be essential to hydrate different parts of our body. When combined with other natural products, such as lemon juice or cinnamon, honey can promote the activity of the digestive system. This means that it helps metabolize food, preventing or relieving stomach indigestion. Since ancient Egyptian, Chinese, and Roman societies, honey was used to treat various wounds. In combination with other herbs, a honey ointment was beneficial for sunburns, wound infections, and blemishes on the face. Again, when combined with other substances like lime or lemon juice, honey soothes a sore throat, even in small doses. The direct application of honey on inflamed muscles has been used as a powerful anti-inflammatory, that is, it has been attributed the property of reducing muscle swelling. In turn, this relieves pain caused by the inflammation itself.
As well as being the best sweetener we have personally provided!


This information is provided for educational purposes and is part of the herbal literature that is available.


Through our website we do NOT intend to diagnose or cure any health problem. We only sell herbal blends for tea consumption as part of your daily diet.

If you have allergies of any kind.


Always check the ingredient list.

No one knows your body better than you, consulting the list of ingredients is your responsibility. Natural Life Tree will NOT be responsible for any type of allergy or condition, remember to always consult your doctor.

100% pure filtered honey 2.5 oz

  • Due to the nature of our products, we do NOT accept returns, we consider each sale as final. We recommend that you carefully select your products and check the compounds and ingredients. Make sure you are NOT allergic to any plants, fruits, vegetables, or roots. Once you select and process your purchase, we understand that you selected the product you were looking for and it fits your needs. If you have any allergies or contraindications, we will NOT be responsible. Natural Life Tree is not intended to diagnose or cure any health problem.


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