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Are B complex vitamins good for your brain or not?

According to a study conducted by Dr. Naidoo, noted at Harvard University and author of the best-selling book This Is Your Brain Food, the best vitamin to keep our brain young and healthy is the B vitamins. There are 8 types of vitamins from the B complex, but this study places vitamin B9 (folic acid) as the key to maintaining a healthy brain. These B complex vitamins have different benefits but indirectly they all have an element that helps the brain function.

Benefits of B complex vitamins.

Beyond being vitamins that help the human body obtain energy through the eating process, they are also responsible for the formation of red blood cells for healthy immune formation. The B complex vitamins are insoluble, which means they can dissolve in water, so it is important to take an adequate dose and taking more will not make a difference because your body will eliminate the excess through urine.

Where can we get vitamin B?

Normally they are obtained through proteins, for example. Fish, chicken, beef, eggs and dairy products. They also like green leafy vegetables. Beans, beans that in other countries are known as beans or tender beans.

The B complex vitamins that you should not overlook for their benefits are:

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) helps with cell function and metabolism. A low thiamine level can lead to poor cognitive function, along with other problems in the body.

Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) essential for the formation of red blood cells and DNA, but also supports the nervous system and the development of brain function. It also has more specific functions such as helping to break down (Homocysteine) which is a protein that is harmful to the heart and can also cause some types of dementia.

Vitamin B9 (folic acid) helps with optimal neurotransmitter function and brain health, aids in DNA formation, and strengthens cellular detoxification. A low level of folic acid is associated with a low mood. In the vast majority of these effects of low mood, depression, anxiety, stress and anxiety, we usually go directly to controlled medications that are highly addictive and most of the time aggravate the situation and provide very little or no solution to the problem. If you notice a low ability to solve common problems of daily life, check your vitamin levels first hand and give your body the opportunity to respond properly when you give it what it really needs to do so.

In summary, the B complex vitamins directly related to the proper functioning of your brain are: B12, B9 and B1.

What would be the best sources to get these B complex vitamins?

Yogurt if it is natural contains B2 (rivoflavin) and B12, Eggs as long as they are grazing have a high content of B7 (biotin), Salmon, which in addition to being a fish with an excellent flavor is rich in vitamin B2, B3 (niacin), B6 (pyroxidine) and B12. All of great importance for the functioning of the brain.

But if you are one of the people who, due to your type of diet, does not consume this type of food and has to acquire these vitamins through supplements, I want to leave you here the correct doses when supplementing and remind you that you can visit our website www. where we have an excellent variety of 100% natural and high quality supplements.

Recommended dosages of supplements:

B12 vitamin

Adolescents 14-12 years of age / 2.4 mcg

Adults / 2.4 mcg

Teenage or pregnant women / 2-6 mcg

Breastfeeding women / 2-8 mcg

Vitamin B 9

Children 4-6 years of age / 400 mcg

9-13 years of age / 600mcg

Adolescents 14-18 years of age 800 mcg

Adults 19+ years of age / 1,000 mcg

vitamin B3

Adolescent Females 14-18 years of age / 14 mg

Adult males 19+ years of age / 16 mg

Adult female 19+ years of age / 14 mg

Pregnant adolescent women / 18 mg

vitamin B2

Adolescents 14-18 years of age / 1-3 mcg (males)

/ 1 mcg (females)

Adult males 19+ years of age / 1-3 mcg

Adult females 19+ years of age / 1 mcg

Vitamin B7

Children 4-8 years of age / 12 mcg

9-12 years of age / 20mcg

Adolescents 14-18 years of age / 25 mcg

Adults 19+ years of age / 30 mcg

I hope this information is useful to you and above all you put it into practice. Remember to visit our website and you can follow us through all social networks such as Natural Life Tree.

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