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Ingredients: 100% Natural Soy Wax, Gloss, Dried Calendula and spice.

Scents influence our daily lives throughout our lives. Aromatherapy promotes the use of fragrances for sensory purposes. Benefits they offer and recommendations for use. In addition to improving the aroma in the home, there are fragrances that have properties for physical and emotional well-being.
Just as the influence of natural light, open spaces and appropriate music are recognized as well-being triggers, a definition that also reaches certain types of plants and colors, which can transmit different sensations and collaborate in creating more productive environments; It is not so common to keep in mind the importance of aromas when it comes to generating stimuli for creativity, but it is certainly an essential factor. 
The discipline of aromatherapy specializes in analyzing, studying and promoting the use of fragrances integrated into environments, attending to the results that are desired to be obtained. In that sense, it is just as important to recognize the properties of each natural perfume, beyond personal taste. 
The sense of smell is extremely powerful in humans and has a decisive influence on brain activity, since the bulbs that move it make up the limbic system, which is where emotions and learning are processed. That is why certain types of aromas facilitate creativity, serenity or the internal emotional and physiological state that you want to promote. The aromas reach all the senses and are capable of generating effects in various aspects of life: in the mental, emotional and spiritual plane, relating to the experiences and experiences of each person. These scents that are pleasant to the senses have specific benefits that have been scientifically determined. There are those that soothe, those that uplift and those that comfort more intimately.

This information is provided for educational purposes and is part of the herbal literature that is available.


Through our website we do NOT intend to diagnose or cure any health problem. We only sell herbal blends for tea consumption as part of your daily diet.

If you have allergies of any kind.


Always check the list of ingredients.

Nobody knows your body better than you, checking the list of ingredients is your responsibility. Natural Life Tree will NOT be responsible for any type of allergy or condition, remember to always consult your doctor.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Sandalwood Soy Candle

  • Due to the nature of our products we DO NOT accept returns, in any type of item for personal use. We consider each sale final . We encourage you to carefully select your products to verify the compounds and ingredients. Make sure you are NOT allergic to any plants, fruits, vegetables, or roots. Once you select and process your purchase, we understand that you selected the product you were looking for and it fits your needs. If you present any allergy or record contraindication, we will NOT be responsible. Natural Life Tree is not intended to diagnose or cure any health condition.


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