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tea for menstrual cramps
Preparation: 1-1.5 tps of tea per cup of hot water at 205f of rest for 4-5 minutes.

Cramp bark is used today to relieve cramps, including menstrual cramps and muscle spasms, thanks to its ellagic acid compounds, contains antioxidants, and is also used for arthritis, chronic pain, high blood pressure , inflammation, lower back pain, menopausal symptoms and tension headaches.
The mother herb is used as a remedy for female reproductive disorders. For example, it helps regulate menstrual periods, anxiety, tension, it is unique for the heart, it is antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and contains leonurine, a compound that relaxes the walls of blood vessels. Chamomile contains anti-inflammatory, spasmolytic, anti-ulcer, carminative, digestive, bactericidal, fungal and mild sedative properties. For all these qualities, it is excellent to use during menstruation. Wild yam root excellent for preventing vaginal dryness in older women, excellent for treating (PMS), menstrual cramps, osteoporosis, increases sexual appetite and energy. Valerian relieves stomach discomfort caused by nerves, menstrual cramps, headaches and muscle aches thanks to its sedative effects. Skullcap scavenges toxic free radicals, reduces oxidative stress, and is an antioxidant. Licorice helps relieve cramps, fights infections, is an antidepressant, fights the symptoms of premature menopause. Irish Moss Supports Thyroid Health, Supports Heart Health, Supports Immune System, Supports Gut Health, Improves Blood Sugar Levels.

This information is provided for educational purposes and is part of the herbal literature that is available.


Through our website we do NOT intend to diagnose or cure any health problem. We only sell herbal blends for tea consumption as part of your daily diet.

If you have allergies of any kind.


Always check the list of ingredients.

Nobody knows your body better than you, checking the list of ingredients is your responsibility. Natural Life Tree will NOT be responsible for any type of allergy or condition, remember to always consult your doctor.


  • Due to the nature of our products we DO NOT accept returns, in any type of item for personal use. We consider each sale final . We encourage you to carefully select your products to verify the compounds and ingredients. Make sure you are NOT allergic to any plants, fruits, vegetables, or roots. Once you select and process your purchase, we understand that you selected the product you were looking for and it fits your needs. If you present any allergy or record contraindication, we will NOT be responsible. Natural Life Tree is not intended to diagnose or cure any health condition.


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