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Keep slimming tea

Aged Pu-erh tea, Oolong green tea, spearmint, rose petals, apple, pineapple, hibiscus, granulated yogurt, sultanas, elderberry, coconut, banana, cherry, raspberry.
caffeine level: medium level
Preparation: 1 tablespoon per cup of hot water at 205 ° F soak for 3-4 minutes.

Ripe pu-erh tea contains enormous benefits high levels of polyphenols, flavonoids, catechins and theoflavin all known for their antioxidant activity these powerful chemicals accelerate fat burning and reduce stress. Theanine and flavonoids within pu-erh tea aid digestion after meals by acting like a sponge and accelerating fat burning.

benefits of tea pu-erh

Reduce high cholesterol this is recommended to use for long periods of time since in the long term it reduces cholesterol (LDL) and increases the levels of good cholesterol (HDL). It has been shown that long-term pu-erh tea can reduce cholesterol almost 100 points so if you suffer from a condition such as hyperlipidemia, consult your doctor to include pu-erh tea in the treatment you are using.

It cleanses your body as it cleanses your blood of toxins over time, the body accumulates acids and other types of free radicals that end up accumulating in the human body.

Pu-erh weight loss gradually suppresses the fatty acid system this means that it can literally block your body from producing more fat. This tea also causes the secretion of hormones such as epinephrine and norepinephrine due to its caffeine content, this increases the mobility of the fatty acids stored in the liposites so the body uses those stored fatty acids as fuel. It also reduces stress since, despite its caffeine content, it contains GABA and THEINE, reducing stress levels and increasing the production of natural melatonin in the skin.

All the benefits of tea have been scientifically proven.

Green oolong tea is excellent for weight loss as it boosts metabolism by reducing the amount of fat that is absorbed from the digestive system. Low blood pressure, improves sleep quality due to polyphenols that cause a calming effect.

Spearmint has beneficial components for the heart and the entire cardiovascular system, maintains adequate blood circulation, is good in treating colic, nausea and vomiting.

Rose petals strengthen the immune system and cleanse the body.

Pineapple is rich in fiber and low in calories, it keeps the digestive system in good condition, helps eliminate body fat, counteracts joint inflammation and prevents blood clotting thanks to bromelain, a digestive enzyme that breaks down protein molecules and improves the elimination of amino acids.

Hibiscus prevents constipation, fights acidity, keeps cholesterol at bay and is diuretic, thus disinfecting the urinary tract.

Sultana is a powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, it has a high content of chlorogenic acids related to the prevention of degenerative diseases, it is antibacterial and diuretic.

Elderberrys strengthen your immune system, protect heart health, improve digestion, lower blood sugar levels, treat respiratory infections.

Coconut is an antioxidant, reduces triglycerics, regulates blood pressure and is also rich in potion, magnesium and vitamins E, C, B.

The banana promotes weight loss, improves constipation conditions, protects the heart.

The cherry contains an anti-aging power and prevents diabetes.

Raspberrys are rich in calcium, potassium, vitamins B9 and Vitamin C, they reduce oxidative stress and inflammation of cells also help control diabetes.


This information is provided for educational purposes and is part of the herbal literature that is available.


Through our website we do NOT intend to diagnose or cure any health problem. We only sell herbal blends for tea consumption as part of your daily diet.

If you have allergies of any kind.


Always check the ingredient list.

No one knows your body better than you, consulting the list of ingredients is your responsibility. Natural Life Tree will NOT be responsible for any type of allergy or condition, remember to always consult your doctor.


Keep Losing Weight Tea

  • Due to the nature of our products we do NOT accept returns, in any type of article for personal use. We consider each sale as final . We encourage you to carefully select your products and verify the compounds and ingredients. Make sure you are NOT allergic to any plants, fruits, vegetables, or roots. Once you select and process your purchase, we understand that you selected the product you were looking for and it fits your need. If you have any allergies or contraindications, we will NOT be responsible. Natural Life Tree is not intended to diagnose or cure any health condition.


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